Like the trees that grow pomegranates that I love to hide in, and stir like cereal,
I will grow once again. I will kiss the wind that once birthed me
And plant fresh pomegranate trees with a new story,
With new marks and perfections, you will never see.
I will learn to love the taste of its bitterness and its oval and round shapes,
And learn of its favorite color and the coffee it prefers to drink.
I will continue to grow new tree’s you won’t see,
And the more I grow, the more flavorful each one will be.
I lay in the grass and sink into the roots that connect together,
And think of our times spent well, eating our pomegranates like cereal
And spending our nights like swimmers, swimming butterflies into each other's cacoons. I thank my first pomegranate tree, now wrinkled and weak with its leafs ready to let go.
I give it one last goodbye,
And watch as it fades into the wind as I, the moon watch it pass by.